Traymark Industrial Caravans take on the KT ‘Signature Series’ Lights

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Traymark Industrial Caravans fit The KT Signature Series to their Trailers.
  • ADR & ECE Compliant
  • Patent Pending
  • Fully Submersible
  • Marketing within the light provides increased Brand Exposure to thousands of road users everyday. The only marketing that road users are forced to look at as brake and indicator lights are engaged.
  • Clearest Light on the Market. Uses advanced, Innovative LED Technology never seen before to provide widespread seamless light.
  • Advanced L.E.D Technology uses the L.E.D to project light at an angle that meets ADR standards rather than the conventional Trailer Light which relies on the patterns in the outer casing.
  • Virtually Indestructible Clear Polycarbonate Lens.
Traymark Industrial Caravans using the KT Signature Series Marker Lamps


Traymark Industrial Caravans using the KT Signature Series Marker Lamps


The KT Trailer Lamp range was developed with the specific goal in mind of producing the very best performing trailer lamp available in the global market. It was determined that to do this, the output of the light had to be superior to any lamp currently available.

It was noted by the KT team that interior lighting for homes and buildings is very bright, smooth and soft. Yet for vehicle lighting, the light output is always oddly shaped, streaked with patterns and essentially not as effective as it could be.
This is generally because trailer lighting requires specific size housings which limits design techniques and the passing of ECE and ADR, further restricting what can be achieved.

Working within this framework, the strategy became about re-creating the light source itself, not the housing or the lens. The KT team then set about designing an all new Light emitting Diode, that, although all looking the same, can be changed internally to create different angles of light. This allowed us to step away from the use of lens optics and reflectors to direct the light.

The results in light output can be seen below, with the KT lamps delivering the most incredibly even light output.

The performance gains of this technology ensures that the lamps pass ECE and ADR with ease, they are more noticeable from all angles on the road, making them safer.

Another safety benefit is the use of clear lenses and housings, as the transition from clear to red or amber is so dramatic, the attention these lamps demand from road users is far greater than that of traditional lamps, further increasing road safety.

superior lights
Comparison photos between Conventional L.E.D Technology & New KT Superior L.E.D Technology.

For any inquiries, contact us on 1300 559 953 or email [email protected]


